Start km= 64980
Refueled the body with a birthday lunch at Cafe 23 and then refueled the Knaushouse and headed for Lake Broadwater.

Lake Broadwater $7 per person per night with or without power. We preferred the view from a non powered site.  Tim, the caretaker looks after you and always ready for a chat.  

  • Bundamba to 36 Roche Street, Dalby
    08:40 to 10:57 (2 hrs, 16 mins / 174.21 km) Max Speed: 100 KmH
  • 95 Drayton Street, Dalby to 1040 Broadwater Road, Ducklo
    12:43 to 13:27 (43 mins, 37 secs / 30.97 km) Max Speed: 88 KmH