Before leaving the Longford area, after 26 years, we revisited Woolmers Estate. We arrived at 10am and booked in for the 2 guided tours, house tour and convict story. Thomas Archer I never used the term convicts. They were always to be referred to as “assigned labour” and were treated fairly. The last remaining Archer, Thomas VI, never married and was the sole owner of the estate. Upon his death at age 77 (1994), the estate was put into the hands of a foundation with 3 provisions. They were, the Estate could not be sold, it had to be left as is and nothing could be brought into or taken out of the estate. This is what makes Woolmers unique in that the total history and contents of the estate are a looking glass into the the past right up to his death in 1994. The gardens are incredible to walk through and enjoy.
We finally managed to leave at 2pm and head for the CMCA camp at Railton. (Town of topiary tress). We were greeted by our camp custodians, Debbie and Colin, who looked after us for the next 6 days here.
Refer to pages for Sheffield, Railton and Tasmania for more details. Railton was a great base and we really enjoyed our stay here.